If you are arrested and have to go to court to face charges you need to have a reliable criminal lawyer. But sometimes we live in an imperfect world. Some criminal lawyers unfairly have a bit of a bad reputation. Yes, some lie for a living and defend murderers for money -- but the system simply doesn't work without them. No doubt most are honest folk who do their jobs within the code of ethics all lawyers work under.
What are some red flags that will make you unhappy with your criminal lawyer. Continue reading below to know what to do.
Your Criminal Lawyer Has Poor Communication
Lawyer communication refers to the correspondence and communication between a client and his/her attorney. If your lawyer does not respond, or subsequent meetings or conversations are not fruitful, consider suggesting mediation to work out your communication problems if you still want this lawyer to represent you. A bad deskside manner doesn't mean that the lawyer isn't an excellent lawyer, and it can be difficult to find a new one in the middle of a case. You have a right to expect competent representation from your lawyer.
Ignoring phone calls is rude and unprofessional. Besides, your criminal lawyer is obligated to communicate with you and keep you advised of the progress of your case. The frequency of that communication and the form it takes will vary according to your case. Before you decide that your attorney isn't communicating adequately with you, ask yourself if your expectations are reasonable. Expecting your attorney to talk to you for an hour every week about your case will cost you money if you're being billed at an hourly rate. Regular phone calls are also unnecessary if your attorney has no news to report.
If your representation fails to communicate effectively with you, then you may have valid cause for your worries.
Your Criminal Lawyer is Always Late or Absent
Being late and not showing up are two different scenarios. If your criminal lawyer is to be late, he or she must always call you on the cell and advise the court of the same. It is a very bad thing to be a no show for a hearing never- a good lawyer will find such a scenario difficult to imagine. If you have a criminal lawyer who did not show up, fire him/her and hire another representation immediately. Remember, if your lawyer only has one case a day or week, they probably either do not have a full-time caseload or they charge prices high enough that they only have to do a few cases. Whether or not that is good or bad depends on your point of view and your pocketbook.
The criminal lawyer and client relationship is all about trust. If you find yourself questioning your lawyer’s ethics or judgment, or feel that you no longer trust him/her, then it is time to find another lawyer. Firing a lawyer is just as easy if not easier than hiring one. A competent lawyer can usually come into a case at any point in the process either by agreement or by force. A competent lawyer is what any person needs to go to war with. If you feels dissatisfied with the way your case is progressing or information is communicated to you, tell your lawyer. He may very well think everything is fine the way it is.
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